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Fraser Koroluk,
R.P. Bio
Occupational SCUBA Diver
Expert Witness (Fish Habitat, Culvert Passage)
Fish Habitat & Assessment specialist
Habitat Biologist, Registered Professional Biologist (British Columbia)
field experience and academic and applied training since 1989 in fisheries
assessments, watershed restoration, foreshore assessments, underwater and
biophysical surveys,
instructor, project coordinator, expert witness, commercial SCUBA diver
Bachelor of Science: University of Waterloo, 1999.
Focus: Biology, Ecology, and Environmental Management
Environmental Technologist Training:
Resource Management: BCIT, 1995. Focus: Forestry and Fisheries Ecology
Outdoor Pursuits Instructor: Canadian
Outdoor Leadership Training Centre, 1987 Vancouver Island
Fish Biology: skilled in fish collection, physiological observations/measurements, fish husbandry, dissection for tissue extraction, GSI and HSI measurements, electrophoresis sampling for genetic identification, extraction, preservation and preparation of fish aging structures.
Laboratory: experienced in lab set up and maintenance for ultra-trace dissection of fish and marine invertebrates for sampling of metals, organochlorines, dioxins and furans. Familiar with sterile environments and dissection/sampling protocols.
Field: extensive applications of fish collection, sediment sampling, water quality monitoring, in-situ metering and field survey equipment. Involved in development of innovative benthic invertebrate sampling equipment and deployment as well as al aspects of sediment collection, sieving, benthos preservation and sediment sampling for contaminants.
SCUBA Diving:experienced underwater fisheries scientist, videographer, biophysical surveyor, and course instructor. Involved in development of in-gravel DO (IGDO) metering equipment to assess salmon spawning habitat in lakes.
experience in coordination of aquatic surveys, benthos and sediment surveys,
foreshore assessments, coastal marine and oceanographic evaluations, various
tagging and tag recovery methods, area-under-the-curve (AUC) salmon population
estimates, mark and recapture studies of various salmonids, stream crossing
and culverts assessments, log dump, log transfer facility and heli-drop
evaluations, lake surveys, fisheries and aquatic habitat
assessments, broodstock capture, and remote field operations. Involved in
numerous fisheries studies, watershed restoration programs from field
assessment, prescription development and implementation, site auditing, QA/QC
and effectiveness monitoring. Experience with site assessments and mitigation
as well as surveys under the federal Fisheries
Act and as part of HADD authorizations and Section 9 applications (BC Water Act). Setup and operated numerous remote coastal field
operations, including RST, Fyke nets, inclined plane traps, fish fences and
weirs. Survey experience in identifying habitat restoration opportunities in
off-channel, mainstem and tertiary habitat areas of coastal and interior
watersheds and lake foreshore and littoral habitat assessment and
mitigation/compensation planning and implementation.
to project involvement as consultant (1996-2004) employed on various DFO term
contracts and as a private consultant to assess adult fish stocks, review
First Nations Aboriginal Fisheries Strategies (AFSs), complete coastal fish
habitat assessments, and provide diving and fisheries technician services to
various federal fish hatcheries and coastal First Nations salmonid enhancement
Experience |
Position: Partner, Senior Biologist.
Fisheries habitat biologist planning and overseeing
marine survey of proposed Log Dump
and Heli-drop sites
and facilities in Merewrth Sound (Tiny Lake Area). Assessment required
identifying sensitive marine and intertidal (lotic) fish habitat and developing
mitigative strategies for foreshore development. Completed for Monarch Resource
Consultants Ltd. (Bella Coola). 2004.
· Senior fisheries biologist and SCUBA diver responsible for collection of Intra-Gravel Dissolved Oxygen (IGDO) and temperature measurements of littoral sockeye salmon spawning habitat within Sakinaw Lake as part of ongoing (3rd year) assessment of spawning habitat and restoration opportunities within Sakinaw Lake. Project involved use of proprietary (Kynoch Resources owned) underwater instruments to measure interstitial DO and temperature to identify and map groundwater upwelling areas.
Contract SCUBA diver on DFO Herring Spawn Surveys
on West Coast of Vancouver Island. Involved in Data collection, field logistics
and data reporting/input. Continual contract basis for independent fishing
Project Coordinator, Fisheries & Natural Resources. Senior Biologist.
of MWLAP referral process for LWBC and MOT siting criteria and BMP
implementation for the protection of the environment. Project required office,
database (GOAT) and field review of >300 files/sites. Completed for MWLAP,
Nanaimo 2003.
· Project biologist contributing to Best Management Practices (BMP) development for coastal log handling facilities to mitigate physical and mechanical damage of biota, habitat, and substrates with the goal of preventing adverse impacts on the aquatic environment and surrounding forest ecosystems, and pursuant to objectives of environmental regulatory agencies, including the national DFO policy of No Net Loss of productive capacity of fish habitats. Completed for DFO, 2003.
Project biologist contributing to spatial and
ecological indices design for biodiversity mapping and assessment of aquatic
habitat in BC. Participated in design and application of various indices to
determine risk, uniqueness, threat and other components of biodiversity of
aquatic habitat. Completed as MWLAP project component,
Expert Witness providing testimony in Federal Court
relating to fish habitat utilization by salmonids in off-channel areas and fish
passage at culverts. Provided written and oral testimony on behalf of client in
Federal Court. Services provided for Baker, Corson and Baker, Barristers and
Solicitors, 2002.
Project coordinator responsible for design, QA ,
and deployment of innovative sediment transplant devices to monitor effects of
pulp mill effluent on benthic invertebrates at near-field diffusion sites.
Required development and testing of prototypes and final deployment and
retrieval of samplers for prolonged period in inland reservoir as part of
federal EEM study. Completed for Abitibi Consolidated Ltd. 2002-2003.
Biologist contributing to Metal Mining
Environmental Effects Monitoring (MMEEM) project design (pre-design phase) to
meet federal EEM regulations. Project required classification, interpretation
and delineation of various aquatic habitat types in northern subbasins of the
Finlay River. Integrated aquatic habitat inventory and resource data with fish,
water quality, metal mining operational aspects and existing environmental data
to geographically represent aquatic environmental conditions. Use of GIS mapping
for spatial and data representation. Kemess Mines, Smithers,
Biologist completing routine sediment monitoring of
six finfish aquaculture sites and CEAA assessment of one site for tenure
relocation of within Clayquout Sound. Project required sediment collection using
Ponar and Van Venn sediment grabs, in-situ sediment monitoring for free sulfides
and redox potential using field instruments (Orion and Jenco metres) and
calibration techniques. Tenure relocation required extensive SCUBA assessment of
intertidal and subtidal habitat as well as deployment of Remotely Operated
Vehicle (ROV) for data and video collection to depths of 60 m. Sediment and
benthos collection were completed and included field sieving organisms for
taxonomic identification. Completed on behalf of Mainstream Canada Ltd., Tofino,
Biologist coordinating foreshore and aquatic
mitigation planning along Kalamalka Lake at multi-site strata development.
Project required habitat mitigation and compensation planning for dock and boat
ramp installation, riparian vegetation compensation planning and liason with
MWLAP, LWBC and DFO representatives. Completed for Crystal Waters Developments,
Edmonton, Alberta, 2003.
Biologist coordinating herpetofauna inventory
required under Species At Risk Act (SARA) at road development site adjacent to
aquatic habitat. Time constraint survey methods were used to identify amphibian
use of habitat and/or presence/absence. Completed on behalf of Skway first
Nation 2003.
Ecological assessment of Anderson Lake and Seton
Reservoir to identify and classify environmentally sensitive terrestrial and
aquatic habitat of lake shore and littoral areas adjacent to rail line
operations. Involved fish collection and underwater assessments including
extensive video collection and interpretation from 0m to 40 m dive depth.
Completed for BC Rail, 2002-2003.
Ecological assessment of proposed landfill site on
Sway IR 5 required as part of CEPA assessment and project design. Focussed on
delineating and assessing various physical components and identification of
fragmented habitat of various seral stages at the proposed development site for
TRI Resources Inc., 2003.
Fisheries biologist responsible for fish habitat
and marine ecosystem data review (office based) for zoning and environmental
applications within marine and freshwater areas of the southern Straight of
Georgia for Levelton Engineering Ltd (2002).
Scientific diver involved in foreshore assessment
of proposed barge-loading facility in Portland Canal to ensure No Net loss of
fish habitat and provide habitat mitigation/compensation strategies for Portland
Canal Aggregates Corporation (2002).
Scientific diver overseeing ecological assessment
(Phase 1) of Anderson and Seton Lakes, responsible for dive operations
conducting periphyton and benthic invertebrate sampling and video transect
completion. Completed on behalf of BC Rail (2002).
Scientific diver coordinating assessment of
artificial reef habitat, Northumberland Channel. Project required use of SCUBA
to assess artificial reef habitat and determine success of DFO policy of No Net
Loss for Pope & Talbot Inc. Harmac Pulp Operations (three surveys, 2001,
2002 and 2004).
Biologist involved in Environmental Effects
Monitoring (EEM) program assessing marine benthic invertebrate populations and
water quality of coastal marine receiving waters at coastal pulp operation.
Completed for Harmac Pacific Inc (2002).
Biologist involved in Environmental Effects
Monitoring (EEM) program assessing lacustrine benthic invertebrate populations,
resident fish species and water quality of interior reservoir receiving waters
at two pulp operations. Completed for Abitibi Consolidated Ltd. and Pope and
Talbot (2002).
Scientific diver during assessment and audits of
DFO policy of No Net Loss (NNL) of fish habitat at Burrard Inlet foreshore
within Port of Vancouver. Sites completed as part of 26 site audits on behalf of
DFO, 1999-2001.
Fisheries habitat biologist overseeing marine
surveys at 15 proposed Log Dump and Heli-drop sites and facilities in North
Coast BC waters. Assessment required identifying sensitive marine and intertidal
(lotic) fish habitat and developing mitigative strategies for foreshore
development. Completed for Ministry of Forests (Bella Coola). 2000-2001.
Fish habitat compensation prescription development,
habitat restoration and implementation and environmental monitoring at
residential development site adjacent to West Brothers Creek, West Vancouver BC
on behalf Hillside Development Ltd. (1999-2002).
Site audits under the federal Fisheries Act, No-Net-Loss Policy at South and North Coastal Log
Handling Operations (~95 sites). Project assessed suitability of DFO referral
process and potential impacts of various log handling facilities on marine and
freshwater habitat. Completed for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans,
Vancouver, BC. 1999-2000.
Fisheries technician reviewing aspects of closed
containment aquaculture to determine environmental effectiveness and waste
management issues. Review completed on behalf of Ministry of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Food, 1999-2000.
Preliminary Site Investigation of industrial
development site for property development. Involved water and soil sampling and
file review to determine potential for ecological risk. Completed for Leyland
Development, 1999.
Field aspects of chlorinated organochlorine
monitoring programs. Work entailed collection of biota (crab and fish) as well
as bottom sediments using ultratrace procedures. Dissections, target organ
removal and pathology also conducted for Harmac Pacific and Alberni Pulp and
Paper (1997-1999).
Field aspects of a biological community assessment
program conducted in receiving waters off Harmac Pacific as part of a Ministry
of Environment directive. Involved benthic invertebrate and sediment collections
as well as water quality (in situ) profiling using a Hydrolab computer unit.
Fisheries biologist responsible for design,
coordination and implementation of fish habitat assessment and utilization study
of littoral and foreshore areas of Anderson and Seton Lakes as part of large
scale ecological review of lake systems to identify and classify fish habitat
adjacent to lineal rail corridor. Project involved gill net, beach seine and
minnow trap deployment and lake trawling to determine fish presence and habitat
use. Stomach content analysis were completed on 0+ and 1+ salmonids to correlate
stomach content to periphyton and/or benthic invertebrate presence/abundance in
a variety of substrate and habitat types. Ongoing research on behalf of BC Rail
(2002 to 2003).
Fisheries biologist coordinating field activities
during federal Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) program requiring fish,
sediment and benthic invertebrate collection within Williston Reservoir on
behalf of Pope and Talbot Ltd. and Abitibi Consolidated Inc. (2002-2003).
Fish and fish habitat inventory of Nootum River,
Doc Creek, Cold Creek and Koeye River within the Central Coast. Assessment of 32
sites selected from 1:50,000 Overview Inventory procedures to assess fish
habitat suitability, fish presence and record biophysical stream and wetland
attributes. Completed for Weyerhaeuser Ltd. (2001).
Survey and inventory of 50 coastal lakes. Work
entailed assessment of limnology, riparian function, fisheries resources and
bathymetric profiles of lakes situated along the BC Central Coast for BC
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management. Required extensive fish collection
techniques, water quality assessment and habitat classification. Project
completed two successive years (50 lakes completed, 2000 and 2001).
Fish habitat utilization study focussing on Arctic
grayling and bull trout habitat in mainstem and off-channel areas of Callazon
Creek within the Peace River watershed. Study looked at off-channel suitability
to habitat restoration and mainstem, tributary and off-channel summer habitat
utilization. Completed on behalf of Chetwynd Forest Industries (West Fraser Mils
Ltd.), 2000 to 2001.
Coho stock assessment DNA analysis within
Necleetsconnay River and off-channel habitat of Bella Coola River. Assessment
looked at connectivity of off-channel fish habitat associated with the
confluences of three creeks and used DNA analysis of juvenile and adult coho
salmon to determine if Necleetsconnay River salmon stocks utilized the habitat
area and may have benefited from habitat restoration. Completed for Nuxalk First
Nations, 2000-2001.
Rotary screw trap (RST) installation within Wannock
River to assess sockeye salmon out-migration from Owikeeno Lake. Training of
Owikeeno Fisheries program members in trap function and fish handling practices.
Owikeeno Fisheries, 2001.
Juvenile chinook salmon out-migration population
estimates within Chuckwalla and Kilbella Rivers through use of RSTs and Fyke
nets. Project included mark and recapture methods, fin clipping for recapture,
estuary seining, trap efficiency evaluation, etc. and was associated with
ongoing field studies throughout Rivers Inlet, Owikeeno Lake and surrounding
rivers. Work often entailed extended stays at a remote float camp established by
G3. Work done on behalf of DFO, Vancouver. 1998-2000.
Adult chinook salmon AUC estimates of escapement
within Chuckwalla and Kilbella River with project aspects including ocean
seining, tagging, mark and recapture methods, aerial counts, water quality,
habitat mapping. Work done on behalf of DFO, Vancouver. 1998-1999.
Fisheries technician responsible for design and
implementation of overview hydraulic sampling program within Owikeeno Lake
drainages to assess feasibility of using hydraulic sampling as a viable stock
assessment tool for sockeye salmon. Completed in conjunction with RIRS on behalf
of DFO, Vancouver. 1998.
Watershed Restoration Program, Level 2 Riparian and
Fish Habitat Assessments, prescription development and implementation to restore
in-stream and off-channel fish habitat of mainstem and tributary channels in
areas of resident salmonid populations. LWD and boulder placement rehabilitated
rearing and holding habitat and promoted scour in areas of sediment
accumulation. Bank stabilization and riparian habitat restoration completed
through LWD revetments, bioengineering and conifer tree planting. On behalf of
Chetwynd Forest Products Ltd. (2001).
Fisheries Renewal BC, Watershed Assessments and
Restoration of the Paisla and Ponds areas in Bella Coola River watershed.
Project involved installation of three fish by-pass structures to improve fish
passage at abandoned beaver dams to increase available habitat to coho salmon
and cutthroat trout (primarily for over-winter and summer habitat). Project also
rehabilitated LWD cover within existing off-channel habitat areas through winter
placement of LWD, rootwads and cobble/boulder interstitial cover. Completed in
conjunction with Nuxalk First Nations and Fisheries Renewal BC. Several projects
conducted. 1999-2001.
Watershed Restoration Program, Cottonwood River,
fish passage restoration at culverts and stream restoration prescription
development and implementation under the FRBC Fish Habitat Assessment Procedure
(FHAP) for West Fraser Mills (Quesnel). 1999-2001.
Watershed Restoration Program, Level 2 Riparian and
Fish Habitat Assessments, prescription development and implementation to restore
in-stream fish habitat through LWD and boulder placement to improve rearing and
holding habitat and promote scour in areas of sediment accumulation. Bank
stabilization and riparian habitat restoration completed through LWD revetments,
bioengineering and conifer tree planting. On behalf of Tatlayoko Woodlot
Association (1999-2000).
Watershed Assessment and Water Quality Program
Level 1 and 2 Fish Habitat Assessments under Forest Renewal BC of Necleetsconnay
River Watershed (Bella Coola). Project assessed habitat suitability for
restorative work upstream of a known fish barrier to determine benefits to
resident Dolly Varden stocks and potential benefits on water quality throughout
the watershed. Completed for International Forest Products (Bella Coola).
Watershed Restoration Program, of three watersheds
in the Peace Region. Level 1 & 2 Fisheries and Riparian Assessments,
Fisheries Inventory and Assessments, GIS mapping and prescription development
and extensive implementation over several yeas, conducted by G3 in conjunction
with MELP (Ft. St. John's) and Chetwynd Forest Industries (West Fraser Mills).
Watershed Restoration Program, Homathko/Mosley
Watershed Level 1 & 2 Fish Habitat Assessment Procedures (FHAP) and Riparian
Assessments. Assessed 10 subbasins of the upper Homathko River to determine
suitability of off-channel or mainstem habitat restoration for resident
salmonids. Opportunities to increase riparian cover and prevent further stream
bank erosion in agricultural areas were assessed. Project completed for the
Tatlayoko Woodlot Association, Tatla Lake, BC. 1998-2000.
Fish Passage Culvert Inspection (FPCI; ~200
culverts), Willow Creek Watershed. Assessed passage restrictions at culverts to
recommend restoration of fish passage where warranted based on potential
upstream habitat condition, fish presence and practicality of restoration
success. Completed for BC Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks (Williams
Lake). 1999.
Twinflower Creek Watershed Channel Assessment
Procedure (CAP) completed in lower (private property) sections of Twinflower
creek to assess channel stability after peakflow events, completed for Riverside
Forest Products Ltd. 1998.
Watershed Restoration Program, Beaver Valley
Watershed Overview and Level 1 Fish Habitat Assessment Procedures (FHAP) and
Riparian Assessments to determine upper extent of coho and chinook salmon
restoration opportunities and assess habitat condition. Field and office aspects
for Weldwood of Canada Ltd. 1998.
Watershed Restoration Program, McKinley Creek
Watershed Overview and Level 1 Fish Habitat Assessment Procedures (FHAP). Field
and office aspects for Riverside Forest Products Ltd. 1998.
Watershed Restoration Program, Powell Lake
Watershed Overview Fish Habitat Assessment Procedures (FHAP) as part of Coastal
Watershed Assessment Procedures. Office based assessment of maps, airphotos and
fisheries data to determine fisheries values of mainstem and tributary habitat.
Completed for McElhanney Engineering Ltd. 1996.
Watershed Restoration Program, Overview and Level 1
FHAP of Quesnel Lake drainages. Required airphoto interpretation and mapping of
reach breaks to identify fish habitat and stream channel characteristics in
mainstem and off-channel areas accessible to anadromous sockeye, chinook and
coho salmon as well as resident salmonids. Completed for West Fraser Mills (1996
to 1997).
Developed curriculum and conducted training to
First Nations groups in the Prince Rupert region of BC. Training was in
underwater surveying techniques and applications as part of a large commercial
training program being conducted by the Commercial Diving Group (several
classes, 2001-2002).
Involved in the development of curriculum and
conducted training to Nuxalk First Nations in fisheries, water quality and
watershed restoration procedures. Training done under Fisheries Renewal BC.
Developed curriculum and conducted training to
community members, ranchers, forest workers and property owners in riparian and
fisheries assessment, water quality monitoring and watershed restoration
procedures. Training done under Forest Renewal BC. 1998.
· Completed data queries, map alteration and production, editing and printing of TRIM based data including watershed delineation using geographic boundaries for creation of watershed management and restoration planning maps.
· Utilized Arc Info coverage data to create resource, fish and fish habitat base maps for provincial (RIC) fish inventory projects, including watershed atlas and FISS data sources.
· Collected and verified depth data with DGPS positional data for lake bathymetric mapping using XYZ coordinates to create triangular irregular network (TIN) surficial layers for contour depth derivation. Data collected in Lowrance ASCI format and converted to Arc Info coverage.
provincial and federal databases to assess siting criteria of numerous Crown
land tenures to determine impact on sensitive habitat throughout Coastal areas
of BC. Data sources included Geographical Oracle Assessment Tool (GOAT; SRM/MWLAP),
Sensitive Habitat Inventory Mapping (SHIM; DFO.MSRM), Fisheries Information
Summary System (FISS; DFO and MSRM) and integration of numerous hardcopy
environmental map atlases.
and edited various underwater video segments for use in biophysical reporting.
Videography completed using SCUBA in freshwater and marine environments and
subsequently edited for output in digital (DVD) format and VHS.
Partner & Contractor
Fisheries technician in Upper Nass River sockeye
salmon genetic inventory, involved in adult fish collection throughout the Nass
River watershed. Involved in Babine River adult fish enumeration fence and
juvenile downstream trapping projects. DFO, 1994.
Fish stock assessment technician, Owikeeno Lake,
Neechite Spawning Channel and Docee River regions. Completed adult sockeye,
chum, coho and chinook and biological sampling of fish for scale-otolith age
classification and DNA analysis as well as maintained field equipment, monitored
and recorded water levels. DFO, 1989 to 1992
Fish hatchery technician, Snootli Creek Fish
Hatchery (DFO). Involved in all aspects of fish hatchery work.
Seasonal responsibilities included broodstock collection, water quality
monitoring, juvenile fish tagging, sampling, and feeding, fish releases, habitat
utilization and outmigration studies of coho, chum, chinook and pink salmon.
Spawning and rearing habitat assessments and carcass dead-pitches were completed
on the Bella Coola River, Atnarko River and spawning channel and tributaries as
required. DFO, 1988 to 1991
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