Kynoch Resources  


Environmental Resource Consulting :: Scientific/Commercial SCUBA diving :: Fisheries Assessments :: Riparian Assessments :: Foreshore Investigations :: No Net Loss Assessments :: Mitigation & Compensation Strategies :: Watershed Restoration :: Land Use Consulting :: Expert Witness Services

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Resourceful   By   Nature

Key Projects:

Founding partners of Kynoch Resources have been involved in a variety projects as consultant, biologists and technicians to other companies, affiliates and agencies. Projects have included fish habitat assessment, marine foreshore development, geological surveys and occupational SCUBA dive surveys and assessments.

Marine Foreshore & Subtidal Assessment:

Tiny Lake LTF Assessment-
Marine foreshore assessment required to locate most suitable location for Log Transfer Facility (LTF) to ensure NNL or HADD of fish habitat. Completed using SCUBA and underwater assessment tools and video in Mereworth Sound. Completed for Monarch Resource Consultants, 2004.


Bella Coola Harbour Underwater Anchoring-
Kynoch Resources' personnel contributed to SCUBA dive operations during Re-anchoring of Bella Coola Harbour floating breakwater. Bella Coola Harbour, 2004.


DFO Herring Spawn Assessments-
SCUBA assessment and inventory of herring spawn distribution and abundance in areas of Straights of Georgia, West Coast Vancouver Island and North Coast as part of annual DFO assessment. Completed on contract basis to DFO from 2000 to 2004.

DFO IGDO Habitat Assessment
Intra-Gravel Dissolved Oxygen (IGDO) assessment of littoral habitat of Sakinaw Lake to determine and map presence of  groundwater upwelling at areas of potential and historic sockeye salmon spawning. Required use of proprietary underwater instruments to observe and record interstitial DO levels of substrate at depths from  1m to 20 m underwater. 


Land Use Consulting:
Commercial Recreation-


Kynoch Resources completed Land Water BC Inc. (LWBC) and BC Parks (MSRM/MWLAP) land use tenure and Park Use Permits on behalf of affiliated outdoor recreation/adventure company. Project required application and approval for Commercial Recreation and use of sensitive river habitat for tourism and ecological tours. Completed on behalf of Kynoch West Coast Adventures/Brockton Place Guest House, Bella Coola Valley. 2004.

Geological Assessment-
Assisted University of Arizona geologists in assessing feasibility of installing seismic monitoring stations in coastal and interior areas of the Coast/Chilcotin region as part of an ongoing UA/Government of Canada batholith formation and geochronology assessment. Completed with U of A staff, October 2004. 

Stream channel and fish habitat assessment;
Contribution in-kind to Bella Coola Watershed Society for Sensitive Habitat Information Mappig (SHIM). Kynoch Resources has provided  an in-kind contribution of Professional Biologist services for the purpose of mapping sensitive fish habitat of the Bella Coola Valley. Retained by Bella Coola Watershed Society as required, 2004-2005.


Kynoch Resources
For more information Contact Kynoch Resources 

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