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Experience |
Position: Partner, Senior Technician.
· Fisheries habitat technician and SCUBA diver during survey of proposed Log Dump and Heli-drop sites and facilities in Merewrth Sound (Tiny Lake Area). Assessment required identifying sensitive marine and intertidal (lotic) fish habitat and developing mitigative strategies for foreshore development. Completed for Monarch Resource Consultants Ltd. (Bella Coola). 2004.
· Technician assisting University of Arizona Geologists with spatial placement (logistics) for seismic assessment of coastal and interior regions of Coast/Chilcotin region as part of an ongoing UA/Government of Canada batholiths formation and geochronology assessment. Completed with U of A staff.
· Senior fisheries technician and SCUBA diver responsible for collection of Intra-Gravel Dissolved Oxygen (IGDO) and temperature measurements of littoral sockeye salmon spawning habitat within Sakinaw Lake as part of ongoing (3rd year) assessment of spawning habitat and restoration opportunities within Sakinaw Lake. Project involved use of proprietary (Kynoch Resources owned) underwater instruments to measure interstitial DO and temperature to identify and map groundwater upwelling areas.
Environmental and research technician and dive supervisor responsible for all aspects of field logistics, organization, scientific data and sample collection and first aid/safety coordination. Assisted with project design, client liaison, QA/QC, data review, interpretation and reporting. Numerous projects involved SCUBA assessments, inventory and monitoring of industrial development including proposed log handling sites, gravel extraction and aquaculture facilities, as well as habitat compensation reefs and spawning habitat. Projects included
Watershed restoration
Foreshore and SCUBA assessments
Stream and lake inventory
Water quality monitoring
Benthic invertebrate and periphyton collection
Aquaculture assessment for CEAA and provincial protocols
Audits of DFO and provincial government policy including No Net Loss
Limnological assessments of lakes and reservoirs
Data collection, management, assessment, QA and database entry using a variety of applications
Various contracts with DFO, responsible for scientific and technical project aspects as well as WCB compliance.
· Scientific dive supervisor for herring roe surveys, responsible for data collection and reporting in Prince Rupert (1999 to 2001) and the Straight of Georgia (2001, 2002). Project completed for DFO Herring Dynamics Program. Involved in pre-field aspects of project planning, training of new divers, dive safety and office related aspects of data quality control and database entry for all of the above projects.
· Dive supervisor and fisheries technician during dive surveys of sockeye spawning habitat within Sakinaw Lake. Responsible for project planning, data collection and assessment and report preparation (1999 to 2000). Completed for DFO Community Advisor (Sunshine Coast).
Completed numerous contracts for regional and provincial governments, industry and consulting firms, various project locations.
· Lower Homathko River Fish Habitat Assessment. Completed for MELP, WRP, Surrey (1998).
· Restoration of fish habitat within Chapman, Oullette, Langdale, Anderson and Katherine Creeks on the Sunshine Coast and various Gambier Island sites, completed in conjunction with DFO (1997-2000).
· Salmonid population estimates in off-channel habitats on Chapman Creek, Sechelt, BC. Completed for MELP, WRP, Surrey (1999).
· Inventory technician responsible for Sensitive Habitat Inventory Mapping (SHIM), use of DGPS technology in mapping sensitive fish habitat (including stream and riparian areas) throughout the Sunshine Coast for the creation of base maps of sensitive habitat for urban planning. Completed for Community Fisheries Development Centre, Sechelt (1998-1999).
· Hatchery broodstock collection and adult and juvenile salmonid enumeration including mark and recapture methods, total exclusion 3-pass electrofishing, stream walks, snorkel surveys, downstream trapping, and associated fish sampling. Completed for DFO (Squamish, 1996); DFO and CFDC (Sunshine Coast, 1998-1999).
· Dive technician for sub-tidal biophysical SCUBA survey of Porteau Cove Provincial Park for Nelson Environmental Services on behalf of Ministry of Transportation and Highways (1995 & 1998).
Kynoch Resources
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