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of Holly Willgress

Occupational SCUBA Diver
Highlights & Qualifications
and Environmental Technician experienced in project design,
implementation, data recording and assessment, quality assurance and
and training in a variety of environmental fields, since 1995, including:
underwater and biophysical surveys; foreshore assessments; fish habitat
assessments; juvenile fish population surveys; salmon escapement
enumerations; habitat inventory; environmental monitoring; watershed
restoration; water quality and sediment sampling and implementation
auditing of No Net Loss projects.
instructor, Coastguard trained coxswain, commercial diver
General Arts and Science
Studies: Langara
College, 1991-1992
in: Biology, Languages
Technician Certificate: Capilano College, 1997
Courses in: Fisheries Ecology, Fish Habitat
Assessment & Watershed Restoration, Riparian Function
B.Sc. (biology): Open
University, 2001-present
studies and professional development courses to obtain undergraduate degree.
Professional Experience
Through academic and work experience and
volunteer activities, I have developed a diverse skill set and strengths
applicable to a variety of projects. In addition, I have proven to be
organized, thorough and resourceful in a variety of settings ranging from
remote and isolated field projects to post-field data interpretation and
reporting. I work well under adverse field conditions and carry that focus
throughout any given project.
I have developed excellent leadership and
supervisory skills through self-employment as a fisheries technician and
commercial diver, where I have often supervised several other crew members,
search and rescue training with the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary and as a
PADI SCUBA instructor.
In addition to being a solid and effective
field technician, my office and reporting skills include pre- and post-field
logistics and organization, air photo and map interpretation, internet and
library research and computer applications (Windows 95 though XP, MS Access
database, ArcView GIS, Corel, MS Excel & Word etc.). These skills have
been used in data compilation and assessment, creation of maps and figures,
quality assurance procedures and report writing for a variety of projects.
Training & Certification
Unrestricted Occupational SCUBA (Canadian Occupational Divers Agency, 1998)
Occupational First Aid and Transportation Endorsement certification (current)
Medic First
Aid and O2 Administration Instructor (Emergency Medical Planning
Canada, 1999)
Dive Accident Management and trauma response training
Transportation of Dangerous Goods certificate
Rigid Hull
Inflatable Operator Training (RHIOT): certified in twin engine Hurricane Mark
5, 6 and 733 Inflatables (Canadian Coast Guard Search and Rescue School,
Bamfield, 1998)
Small Vessel Operator Competency Training and Certification
(OCTC, 1999)
Instructor (Professional Association of Diving Instructors, 1996)
certification, crew leader (Capilano College, 1997)
Inventory Committee (RIC) GPS training module for SHIM mapping (1998)
Fire Arms
Certificate (2000)
DFO coordinated River Safety instruction
WHMIS training
ArcView 8.1
GIS training (BCIT, 2002)
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Cialis generika bewertung; Koffler. "Naturwissenschaftliche Materie"; vol. i. p. 476; Bd. xx. 829.
FĹ“der, S. K., L. Biel. "Toward a Mathematical Theory of the State Universe and its Possible Causes"; TĂĽbingen, 1894; vol. ii. pp. 805, 815, 831, 864, 870.
Köberl, A. "Zentralstörerbezeiger der Physik," Jahrb. Physik, 1893; p. 585.
Lachenfeld, H. J. L. "Die SchĂĽlerbezeigten bei der Physik des Geistes," Jena, 1898; p. 55.
Rudebusch, T. "Das Physik des Geistes im Altertum," in A. T. Röllig (Munich, 1899) 2d. edition. pp. 496, 497.
Friedmann, H. "Auch ein Schaffhausbezeigten gegen die Physik" in W. Schultes, LebensgefĂĽhler, and H. Friedmann (Leipzig, 1903) Bd. i. pp. 639, 675.
Biel, L. B. "Die Gespenster des Geistes," Jahrb. der Physik, 1899; vol ii. pp. 822, 921.
Vogt, W. "Die Einfluss der physischen Einflussen als Acker," Jahrb. der Physik, 1893; vol iii. pp. 17, 20.
Hoffmann, H. "Einleitung der einiger Geisteschastenschriften in Völker
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Technician, G3 Consulting Ltd., Burnaby, BC. (2000 to 2004)
Watershed restoration
Foreshore and SCUBA assessments
Stream and lake inventory
Water quality monitoring
Benthic invertebrate and periphyton collection
Aquaculture assessment for CEAA and provincial protocols
Audits of DFO and provincial government policy including No Net
Limnological assessments of lakes and reservoirs
Data collection, management, assessment, QA and database entry
using a variety of applications
Dive Supervisor, DFO
Contracts, North & South Coast. (1999 to 2002)
Various contracts with DFO, responsible for
scientific and technical project aspects as well as WCB compliance.
dive supervisor for herring roe surveys, responsible for data collection and
reporting in Prince Rupert (1999 to 2001) and the Straight of Georgia (2001,
2002). Project completed for DFO Herring Dynamics Program. Involved in pre-field
aspects of project planning, training of new divers, dive safety and office
related aspects of data quality control and database entry for all of the above
supervisor and fisheries technician during dive surveys of sockeye spawning
habitat within Sakinaw Lake. Responsible for project planning, data collection
and assessment and report preparation (1999 to 2000). Completed for DFO
Community Advisor (Sunshine Coast).
Fisheries Technician
(Various Clients, 1995 to 2000)
Completed numerous contracts for regional and
provincial governments, industry and consulting firms, various project
Homathko River Fish Habitat Assessment. Completed for MELP, WRP, Surrey (1998).
of fish habitat within Chapman, Oullette, Langdale, Anderson and Katherine
Creeks on the Sunshine Coast and various Gambier Island sites, completed in
conjunction with DFO (1997-2000).
population estimates in off-channel habitats on Chapman Creek, Sechelt, BC.
Completed for MELP, WRP, Surrey (1999).