Kynoch Resources  


Environmental Resource Consulting :: Scientific/Commercial SCUBA diving :: Fisheries Assessments :: Riparian Assessments :: Foreshore Investigations :: No Net Loss Assessments :: Mitigation & Compensation Strategies :: Watershed Restoration :: Land Use Consulting :: Expert Witness Services

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Resourceful   By   Nature

Key Services:

Kynoch Resources provides complete consulting services in aquatic and marine based ecology including:

Marine foreshore & subtidal assessment;
Kynoch Resources maintains a mobile SCUBA dive-team experienced in all aspects of foreshore and subtidal assessment techniques required for shoreline and marine developments. Our expertise in log dump and storage placements and off-loading facility development streamline application procedures and increase likelihood or project approvals. Our services include site mitigation strategies, debris management plans, habitat compensation and identification of sensitive habitat including adherence to DFO's policy of No Net Loss (NNL) and mitigation of Harmful Alteration, Destruction or Disruption (HADD) of habitat.

Aquaculture development & monitoring;
Recent changes and ongoing modifications to MWLAP and DFO regulations require continued interpretation and application of guidelines during aquaculture site development and monitoring. Kynoch Resources personnel are experienced in current CEAA and DFO requirements for site development and MWLAP monitoring.

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